Friday, November 19, 2010

Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe

Remember learning multiplication facts or times tables? Endless worksheets, memorization, and rewriting charts?
Well say goodbye to those beloved memories and get ready to try a fun game.
In multiplication tic-tac-toe, two players practice multiplication and forming strategies.

Here's how it works. The first player chooses two factors (the 1-9 on the game board) and places an item on each (paperclip, erasers, coins, etc). The player then crosses off or places their item on the product in the box above. Next, the second player moves one of the items on the factors to a different factor. For example, if the game begins with three and six selected, the next move can either move the three or six, but not both. The second player puts their mark on the product. Play continues until one player has marked four products in a row, column, or diagonal.
And yes, you can have two of the same factor selected at once.

I've tried this game several times so far and it has been a success. Not only is it helping me remember all that multiplication, but is a fun activity that students can take ownership of and discuss tactics and strategies of play.

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